Source code for jaxbind.contrib.jaxducc0

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
# Copyright(C) 2024 Max-Planck-Society

# %% [markdown]

# # Binding the DUCC package to JAX

# This file binds the fast fourier transformation, hartly transformation,
# spherical harmonics transformation, and the wgridder of the
# [DUCC]( package to JAX.

# This provides real world examples on the usage of JAXbind. Together with
# the [demos]( this could
# be a good starting point on the usage of JAXbind.

# Please note: This file is JAXbind internal. When executing the blow code
# blocks outside of JAXbind you need to import `get_linear_call` and
# `load_kwargs` from JAXbind.

# %%

from functools import partial

import ducc0
import numpy as np

from .. import get_linear_call, load_kwargs

# %%

__all__ = ["c2c", "genuine_fht", "get_healpix_sht", "nalm", "get_wgridder"]

_r2cdict = {
    np.dtype(np.float32): np.dtype(np.complex64),
    np.dtype(np.float64): np.dtype(np.complex128),

_c2rdict = {
    np.dtype(np.complex64): np.dtype(np.float32),
    np.dtype(np.complex128): np.dtype(np.float64),

def _complextype(dtype):
    return _r2cdict[np.dtype(dtype)]

def _realtype(dtype):
    return _c2rdict[np.dtype(dtype)]

# %% [markdown]

# ## Binding the DUCC hartly transform to JAX

# In the following we provide a Python `_fht` calling C++ hartly transformation
# of DUCC ` ducc0.fft.genuine_fht`. The C++ function natively supports
# batching along multiple axes. To make use of that the the python function also
# translates potential batching axis of JAX to axis of DUCC. Detailed
# explanations on custom batching along axis can be found in the
# `` demo.

# %%

def _fht(out, args, kwargs_dump):
    (x,) = args
    kwargs = load_kwargs(kwargs_dump)
    batch_axes = kwargs.pop("batch_axes", None)
    axes = list(range(x.ndim))
    if batch_axes is not None:
        axes = [i for i in range(x.ndim) if i not in batch_axes[0]]
    orig_axis = kwargs.pop("axes", None)
    orig_axis = [orig_axis] if isinstance(orig_axis, int) else orig_axis
    if orig_axis is not None:
        axes = [i for idx, i in enumerate(axes) if idx in orig_axis]
    ducc0.fft.genuine_fht(x, out=out[0], axes=axes, **kwargs)

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# Additionally we provide the abstract evaluation function.

# %%

def _fht_abstract(*args, **kwargs):
    (x,) = args
    batch_axes = kwargs.pop("batch_axes", None)
    out_ax = ()
    if batch_axes is not None and len(batch_axes[0]) > 0:
        out_ax = batch_axes[0][-1]
    return ((x.shape, x.dtype, out_ax),)

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# Now we register the hartly transformation JAX primitive via the
# `get_linear_call` functionality of JAXbind.

# %%
genuine_fht = get_linear_call(
    _fht, _fht, _fht_abstract, _fht_abstract, func_can_batch=True
genuine_fht.__doc__ = ducc0.fft.genuine_fht.__doc__

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# ## Binding the DUCC fast fourier transformation to JAX

# In analogy to the hartly transformation we bind the DUCC fast fourier
# transformation to JAX.

# %%

def _c2c(out, args, kwargs_dump):
    (x,) = args
    kwargs = load_kwargs(kwargs_dump)
    batch_axes = kwargs.pop("batch_axes", None)
    axes = list(range(x.ndim))
    if batch_axes is not None:
        axes = [i for i in range(x.ndim) if i not in batch_axes[0]]
    orig_axis = kwargs.pop("axes", None)
    orig_axis = [orig_axis] if isinstance(orig_axis, int) else orig_axis
    if orig_axis is not None:
        axes = [i for idx, i in enumerate(axes) if idx in orig_axis]
    ducc0.fft.c2c(x, out=out[0], axes=axes, **kwargs)

def _c2c_abstract(*args, **kwargs):
    (x,) = args
    batch_axes = kwargs.pop("batch_axes", None)
    out_ax = ()
    if batch_axes is not None and len(batch_axes[0]) > 0:
        out_ax = batch_axes[0][-1]
    return ((x.shape, x.dtype, out_ax),)

c2c = get_linear_call(_c2c, _c2c, _c2c_abstract, _c2c_abstract, func_can_batch=True)
c2c.__doc__ = ducc0.fft.c2c.__doc__

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# ## Binding the DUCC healpix spherical harmonic transformation to JAX

# %%

def _alm2realalm(alm, lmax, dtype, out=None):
    if out is None:
        out = np.empty((alm.shape[0], alm.shape[1] * 2 - lmax - 1), dtype=dtype)
    out[:, 0 : lmax + 1] = alm[:, 0 : lmax + 1].real
    out[:, lmax + 1 :] = alm[:, lmax + 1 :].view(dtype)
    out[:, lmax + 1 :] *= np.sqrt(2.0)
    return out

def _realalm2alm(alm, lmax, dtype, out=None):
    if out is None:
        out = np.empty((alm.shape[0], (alm.shape[1] + lmax + 1) // 2), dtype=dtype)
    out[:, 0 : lmax + 1] = alm[:, 0 : lmax + 1]
    out[:, lmax + 1 :] = alm[:, lmax + 1 :].view(dtype)
    out[:, lmax + 1 :] *= np.sqrt(2.0) / 2
    return out

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# We wrap the spherical harmonic transformation and it's transposed of DUCC as
# a python function with the signature required by JAXbind. Additionally we
# provide the required abstract evaluation functions.

# %%

def _healpix_sht(out, args, kwargs_dump):
    theta, phi0, nphi, ringstart, x = args
    kwargs = load_kwargs(kwargs_dump).copy()
    tmp = _realalm2alm(x, kwargs["lmax"], _complextype(x.dtype))

def _healpix_sht_T(out, args, kwargs_dump):
    theta, phi0, nphi, ringstart, x = args
    kwargs = load_kwargs(kwargs_dump).copy()
    tmp = ducc0.sht.adjoint_synthesis(
    _alm2realalm(tmp, kwargs["lmax"], x.dtype, out[0])

def _healpix_sht_abstract(*args, **kwargs):
    _, _, _, _, x = args
    spin = kwargs["spin"]
    ncomp = 1 if spin == 0 else 2
    shape_out = (ncomp, 12 * kwargs["nside"] ** 2)
    return ((shape_out, x.dtype),)

def _healpix_sht_abstract_T(*args, **kwargs):
    _, _, _, _, x = args
    spin = kwargs["spin"]
    ncomp = 1 if spin == 0 else 2
    lmax, mmax = kwargs["lmax"], kwargs["mmax"]
    nalm = ((mmax + 1) * (mmax + 2)) // 2 + (mmax + 1) * (lmax - mmax)
    nalm = nalm * 2 - lmax - 1
    shape_out = (ncomp, nalm)
    return ((shape_out, x.dtype),)

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# Now we register the JAX primitive. The spherical harmonics transformation is
# not linear/ differentiable in the arguments theta, phi0, nphi, and ringstart.
# We communicate this to JAXbind via `first_n_args_fixed=4`. A more detailed
# example on the usage of `first_n_args_fixed` is in demo
# ``.

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_hp_sht = get_linear_call(

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# To the user we expose a JAX function in which the non differentiable
# arguments are already inserted.

# %%

[docs] def get_healpix_sht(nside, lmax, mmax, spin, nthreads=1): """Create a JAX primitive for the ducc0 SHT synthesis for HEALPix Parameters ---------- nside : int Parameter of the HEALPix sphere. lmax, mmax : int Maximum l respectively m moment of the transformation (inclusive). spin : int Spin to use for the transfomration. nthreads : int Number of threads to use for the computation. If 0, use as many threads as there are hardware threads available on the system. Returns ------- op : JAX primitive The Jax primitive of the SHT synthesis for HEALPix. """ hpxparam = ducc0.healpix.Healpix_Base(nside, "RING").sht_info() hpp = partial( _hp_sht, hpxparam["theta"], hpxparam["phi0"], hpxparam["nphi"], hpxparam["ringstart"], lmax=lmax, mmax=mmax, spin=spin, nthreads=nthreads, nside=nside, ) return hpp
[docs] def nalm(lmax, mmax): """Compute the number of a_lm for a given maximum l and m moment of the SHT""" return ((mmax + 1) * (mmax + 2)) // 2 + (mmax + 1) * (lmax - mmax)
# %% [markdown] # ## Binding the DUCC wgridder to JAX # Again we define python functions calling the DUCC wgridder and the transposed # alongside with abstract evaluation functions for the forward and transposed # directions. # %% def _dirty2vis(out, args, kwargs_dump): uvw, freq, dirty = args kwargs = load_kwargs(kwargs_dump) kwargs.pop("npix_x") kwargs.pop("npix_y") ducc0.wgridder.experimental.dirty2vis( uvw=uvw, freq=freq, dirty=dirty, vis=out[0], **kwargs ) def _dirty2vis_abstract(*args, **kwargs): uvw, freq, dirty = args shape_out = (uvw.shape[0], freq.shape[0]) dtype_out = _complextype(dirty.dtype) return ((shape_out, dtype_out),) def _vis2dirty(out, args, kwargs_dump): uvw, freq, vis = args kwargs = load_kwargs(kwargs_dump) ducc0.wgridder.experimental.vis2dirty( uvw=uvw, freq=freq, vis=vis.conj(), dirty=out[0], **kwargs ) def _vis2dirty_abstract(*args, **kwargs): _, _, vis = args shape_out = (kwargs["npix_x"], kwargs["npix_y"]) dtype_out = _realtype(vis.dtype) return ((shape_out, dtype_out),) # %% [markdown] # Similar to the spherical harmonic transformation not all arguments of the # wgridder are differentiable. Again we specify the non-differentiable arguments # as fixed via `first_n_args_fixed=2`. # %% _wgridder = get_linear_call( _dirty2vis, _vis2dirty, _dirty2vis_abstract, _vis2dirty_abstract, first_n_args_fixed=2, )
[docs] def get_wgridder( *, pixsize_x, pixsize_y, npix_x, npix_y, epsilon, do_wgridding, nthreads=1, flip_v=False, verbosity=0, **kwargs, ): """Create a JAX primitive for the ducc0 wgridder Parameters ---------- pixsize_x, pixsize_y : float Size of the pixels in radian. npix_x, npix_y : int Number of pixels. epsilon : float Sets the required accuracy of the wgridder evaluation. nthreads : int Sets the number of threads used for evaluation. Default 1. flip_v : bool Whether or not to flip the v coordinate of the visibilities. Default `False`. verbosity : int Sets the verbosity of the wgridder. For 0 no print out, for >0 verbose output. Default 0. **kwargs : dict Additional forwarded to ducc wgridder. Returns ------- op : JAX primitive evaluating the ducc wgridder. The Jax primitive has the signature `(uvw, freq, image)` with `uvw` being an (N, 3) array the uvw coordinates of the visibilities in meter, `freq` a 1D array with the frequencies in Herz, and `image` a 2D arrays of shape `(npix_x, npix_y)` with the sky brightness in Jansky per Steradian. """ wgridder = partial( _wgridder, pixsize_x=pixsize_x, pixsize_y=pixsize_y, npix_x=npix_x, npix_y=npix_y, epsilon=epsilon, do_wgridding=do_wgridding, nthreads=nthreads, flip_v=flip_v, verbosity=verbosity, **kwargs, ) return wgridder